Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pamoas de Jumana
Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca are pictures which are traced on the ground. They were painted in 2 B.C. to 6 B.C. There are a lot of pictures, for example. dog, monkey, hummingbird, plants and so on.
Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca are pictures which are traced on the ground. They were painted in 2 B.C. to 6 B.C. There are a lot of pictures, for example. dog, monkey, hummingbird, plants and so on.
Those pictures are very big. Even small picture is 46 meters, so people have to ride helicopters to see the pictures. The biggest picture is 285 meters and it is a picture of bird.
Why were the pictures traced? There are some suppositions but people do not know why it was made. It is mystery for modern people.